Capital Project Consulting Plus
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Capital Project Consulting Plus
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Knowing what to look for.Construction schedule analysis and forecasting is an important component of the risk management construction process that enables the project team to plan capital and resource allocations with greater efficiency. Key performance indicators (KPIs) of a schedule need to be monitored continuously to understand the changing conditions for the execution of scope, activity representation within the schedule, and accurate planning of forecasted work. CPC+ staff have supported a broad range of project types across many industries – both in a proactive and forensic nature. This breadth of experience allows us to apply best-in-class practices from other industries to apply an appropriate suite of controls tools to accurately monitor the project KPIs to manage each project we support.
As projects are sometimes in a state of fluctuation, being prepared for future schedule changes will benefit the project team’s ability to make provisions for on-time material deliveries, sub-contractor management, stakeholder engagement, and mitigating the impacts of ripple effects. CPC+ consultants have extensive expertise in various scheduling techniques, of both proactive and forensic natures, that can be coupled with predictive risk assessment tools to provide the client with real-time data to accurately plan future work.
The accuracy of a schedule forecast is dependent on the quality of the information available. CPC+ adopts a systematic approach to schedule forecasting.